Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well, today we met our little boy! We moved it up by a day because it was just time. It was amazing and emotional. We captured it all on video, so we can share. He's the most beautiful boy you've ever seen. He's been a super joy to have around so far. We're about 6 hours into our introduction. He gurgles a lot (he's a bit congested) and makes some vocals once in a while, but he's been a cool cat so far. Jana's into the first poopy diaper as I write! Adoniyas has some issue with his ear, an infection that has gotten more serious than average. He's on some meds, and it looks like it can wait for further attention at home. They used the word "surgery" which is not the word we want to hear, esp. not here. He's had swelling that is down now, but apparently one of the effects is causing the muscles on the right side of his face to be non-functional. They tell us that its no big deal, but tomorrow we will meet the ENT Dr, and maybe share with the pedi back home to get a 2nd opinon. Anyway, he seems really happy, he's not in pain, and we're having fun playing and napping with him! OK, I'll sign off. There is so much more to share, we'll have to add more later.
There are some new photos up on the picasa page! Note these photos have been stretched a little when Paul had to resize them for transmission over dial-up.


Jill said...

Yay Guys!!! He's so gorgeous and we're all just so excited for you guys! You already look like naturals with him and he looks really happy. Hope the ear infection clears up or can wait til PDX for treatment. Do you guys get to stay with him from now on, or is there still a wait? All is well on main Street, we just can't wait til you guys all get back!

amycs said...

I'm emotional! We can't wait to have him on Main Street where he belongs. Tell him his friends are all waiting for him. Let me know if you need help with the ear, I can always relay stuff to the audiologists I work with.

Holly+Drew said...

so happy to see you together at last. what a sweetie pie. we can't wait to meet him!

Anonymous said...

wow. you're a family at last. i was so excited to see this post and so happy for you all. he just keeps gettting more gorgeous in each photo! we'll be well wishing for his ear situation and hope for the best. Congratulations!!

mama_nata said...

I think he likes you. :) So exciting!!!

Jbucky said...

awesome, very happy for youz.

Unknown said...

What an absolutely beautiful little boy! Congratulations!!
Safe and happy travels!