Wednesday, March 4, 2009

lil' rock star

Last night the city of Addis lost water. This morning we lost power. Luckily they all have water tank reserves, but unfortunately the water pump is electric! Gravity fed showers this morning. But, we have a phone line and a PC with 5 minutes of battery left! Lets see if we can squeeze a few pictures out...


Ben and Caroline said...

Baby in a bath pictures? You know he'll never forgive you for that in 10-15 years. I can't wait to get the cousins together.

Jill said...

Oh my god, he's so cute!!! Looks like you're all having fun! We can't wait to see you guys, 1 more week!! Hope you get a good shower before then ;)

mama_nata said...

Paul are those the gold aviators from the Cinci airport? Rock on! What a cute little guy.

Holly said...

wow..he is such a beautiful boy!

amycs said...

He is so handsome. I can't wait to meet him in person.