Sunday, November 2, 2008

Le Coq Sportif

Dear Readers,

A little backgroud...Funny thing about Le Coq Sportif, the French have apparently chosen le coq gaulois as their national symbol because its the only bird that stands in shit and sings. That and Henry the IV said something about a chicken in every pot...
Busy weekends of waterfalls and bicycle racing. First stop, Silver Falls St. Pk, where we stayed with J&A in the Airstream trailer. This hike was 7 miles, enough to feel, and not really the type of before race training I'd normally take. No less than 10 waterfalls. Jana says we only saw 8. Oh, check this out, we all were witness to the rare viewing a tree falling in the forest. And man, did it make a sound. We heard this massive groaning and creaking and turned to look back and see a very tall tree, 60-80 ft? come crashing down. Shook the ground and we were about 200 yds away!
Then after 2 lovely nights around the campfire, it was off to Barton OR, for an XC race. Rain made its appearance and had the effect of really turning the course into a mud pie. Check it! I made a decent improvement over 2wks ago. I finished in the lead lap this time, 59th place out of 118 this time. Nice. Brian lent me a jersey, it was bright green and said "Le Coq Sportif." Throughout the race it was "Coq on your left, Coq on your right!" The jersey was either a bit small or poorly designed, as the "Le" the "if" of Sportif, were under my armpits, rendering the effect more like "Coq Sport." Check out these negative socks on Brian...I was wearing wooly business socks, much better for protection against the elements and therefore my mud line was much higher.


Jbucky said...

I think the cock jersey made you faster, after all there is no other reason is there.

Paul Francis and Jana Bree said...

It's spelled Coq thank you very much...