Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Obama won, yet little did Matias know, that as he cycled home through some of South East's toughest neighborhoods with a shit eating grin that rivaled the Cheshire Cat, he also secretly had a newly applied McCain Palin sticker on his bike. He made it home by the skin of his teeth for sure, despite rabid groups of hipster / yupster / fixster amalgams on Hawthorne and Belmont calling for the blood of any who dared to support right wing policy or drive a car. Sorry for your trouble Matias, it was just a joke.

McCain sticker not withstanding, they were also deeply offended at your lack of fixedness and use of actual brakes, not to mention complete lack of expressive hop skipping stops and tribal spoke card affiliations. I suppose it goes without saying that the hipfixyupsters think protecting your head with a helmut (sic) is just plain stupid. You should consider moving, your SE Pass has been revoked.

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