Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Psycho Cross (I'm back!)

Yeah, I'm into trying new forms of physical punishment. After trying track racing this fall (yet to be blogged), I've decided why not keep trying some new forms of the sport? So, cyclocross it is. James, responsible for getting me out on to the track, suggested I try XC. It actually took me 3 days to realize my commuter had canti bakes! An obvious requirement in this arena of mud filled excitement. My Vitali had a photo shoot on Wednesday for a book someone is making at work, and then off came the fenders and downtube shifters (my last nod to the old school) Behold the transformation! A knobby tired small chainringed off roading real steel yellow hooped tall guy XC bike! Finished a somewhat pathetic 91st out of 130? They start you off in the chutes according to a random number draw, which put me in the 4th group of 10. Still no excuse. I need to work on running over these dam barriers and getting back on the bike. Its hard! Thanks to Yoon for the sepia toned jpegs. I have some photogs fromt the blond I can load up at home.....

ok, full color from Jana Banana installed.

ps. the guy behind me avec moustache and the audacity to have a look of amusement on his face in light of the grueling race going on around him, is Jordan Hufnagel the custom bike builder here in PDX, check his s*&# out, its art baby!


Holly said...

those are great! way to go paul.

mama_nata said...

Awesome! We will see you at Barton Park in 2 wks - don't miss it, it's a doooozy!

Jbucky said...

um, where am I in those foto's eh? oh never mind, i was 50 places ahead of you with a flat tyre...hum... jerk.