Thursday, March 12, 2009

Packing up

We're packing up this norning! We're very ready to have sone control over our environnent again, and look forward to being back at hone! We've had enough of Pablo the Spanish 3 yr old who is in training for loudest child ever, and who lacks understanding of quiet tine for babies, and who also fails to understand how to shut a door quietly. I hereby swear that no child of nine shall posess these traits!!

Strangely enough, I think we're wholly adapted to the food, finally, which gave us trouble at tines, and also the pollution! I think the lungs and eyes have given up trying to fight it. Its been an anazing experience to say the least, every aspect of it. We can't wait to share our experiences with you all when we get back! Big shout out to the Nain St. Crew! Thanks for keeping an eye on the Crib. Really looking forward to ice cubes and tap water! Like you would not believe!!

Wish us luck with the little guy, and our 17 hours of flying ahead of us. By the way, I think little Pablo stole a letter fron the keyboard of this rather tired Dell laptop.

Love and hugs fron East Africa!



Jill said...

Ha Ha! You say that now - just wait til you get to the terrible 2s!! We're so excited that you guys are back on Main Street - get some rest, because we won't be able to stay away for much longer!!

amycs said...

Nain St Rawks!

We can't wait to welcome our newest neighbor. Seriously, we are so tired of waiting.

Anonymous said...

welcome home! can't wait to talk about everything once you're rested!

Jbucky said...

good lucks peeps, have a nice home trips