Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sign Up, Be Counted!

Ok Peeps, time to sign up and follow along. Can't believe Red Railroader has more followers than PDX Highlife. Man up!


Ben and Caroline said...

As one of your only followers, may I point that we don't even make your blog list. Think I will go sign up at Red Railroad instead...

Paul Francis and Jana Bree said...

A clerical error obviously. But looky looky, you are at the bottom of the list b/c you are slacking!

mama_nata said...

We subscribe through RSS - so consider yourself followed! (And we're not even holding your blogroll snub of OUR blog against you.)

Unknown said...

didn't know I needed to sign up. Now that I am a card-carrying member I will be expecting more frequent updates of cuteness and parental musings.