Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Beating the heat!

It is HOT HOT HOT in Portland this week...106 today, and 107 forecast for tomorrow. We are beating all of the records, not just for the day, but for EVER! Lucky for Adi, it is perfectly acceptable for him to hang around naked in the back yard, cooling off in the kiddie pool, and being misted by the hose.

I'm embarrassed to admit that we broke down and bought an air conditioner today, and it is currently cooling Adi's bedroom while he sleeps comfortably. Hopefully some of that cool air will find its way down the hall to our bedroom tonight. The competition for air conditioners in Portland today was FIERCE! Struck out at Sears before lucking out, and arriving at Home Despot right after a huge shipment was delivered...it had been diverted from Chicago! There were hordes of people there, and nearly every cart had an air conditioner in it. The guy at the check-out said they would be sold out again in 30-40 minutes. Crazy.

Here are some cute photos of Adi beating the heat, and per request from Grandma Ann, a photo of Adi helping Paul build our new deck. Boxes of screws are really fun!

All you PDX readers, try to stay cool tonight. We will survive this!

Naked bike riding...this kid definitely belongs in Portland!

Screws are fun! Too bad Dad won't let me run the drill yet.

Chillin' in the pool

1 comment:

Ben and Caroline said...

I was going to give you a hard time about the heat...but...the high here is 77 degrees today, and we've got the air conditioning on.