Is that a Fu Manchu? I'm still really enjoying Jack's smile, I can't wait until he starts laughing like that. but really, a fu manchu? Is Jana really okay with that?
Negative, a fu manchu hangs long off the corners of the mouth, with a bare chin. This is a variation of a Van Dyke, which at the moment, most closely resembles Col. Sanders.
p.s. other most notable wearers of the Van Dyke, besides the artist himself and Col. Sanders, is the Green Lantern, and Satan. Though I think Satan sometimes shaves the stache, leaving him with a goatee.
Really, I'm just jealous. I'd secretly hoped that becoming a father would trigger some type of facial hair growth ability, but as of today I'm still just sporting the barely visible three day stubble. I think it would feel more like sandpaper to jack.
new benefit of creepy mustache discovered!!! i think i just giggled complete with snort watching that one. thank Adi for that for me, really great!
Is that a Fu Manchu? I'm still really enjoying Jack's smile, I can't wait until he starts laughing like that. but really, a fu manchu? Is Jana really okay with that?
Negative, a fu manchu hangs long off the corners of the mouth, with a bare chin. This is a variation of a Van Dyke, which at the moment, most closely resembles Col. Sanders.
p.s. other most notable wearers of the Van Dyke, besides the artist himself and Col. Sanders, is the Green Lantern, and Satan. Though I think Satan sometimes shaves the stache, leaving him with a goatee.
Really, I'm just jealous. I'd secretly hoped that becoming a father would trigger some type of facial hair growth ability, but as of today I'm still just sporting the barely visible three day stubble. I think it would feel more like sandpaper to jack.
awww....that giggle kills me! ...and the moustache...hmmm
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