Well, the crowd has spoken. Here's a recap of the Middle Name Vote with a total poll of 32 votes:
Paul (4) as a middle name flamed out. Why are you all such haters? Paul, such a beautifully simple name! One syllable no less! Turns out the officers who found him were women (1), so that probably would not have worked assuming we're sticking to the understood laws of gender. As Steve O pointed out Adoniyas Francis (8) has a somewhat tricky "phonetic tongue trip" to it. And Taye (7) while coming close to 2nd place, lost out, though still gave Paul a kicking for good measure on the way out the door. It seems that Finn (12) is the winner! You can tell I'm luke warm on the idea of random Irish names, as I don't think of Adoniyas as Irish or of Irish heritage, and in general I'm still a bit suspicious of the random baby name generator that seems to be in use these days. I want meaning people!
OK, decision time, we've decided we're going to give naming rights... and the winner is Office Max! I hereby christen thee Adoniyas Office Max O'Connor. Sorry to waste all your time with the voting, and further apologies to Staples.
p.s. Jana has declared that I'm no longer allowed to drop F bombs, or even use abbreviations like WTF anymore on the family blog. Censorship!!
p.p.s. This blog has been re-edited for brevity and according to Jana, control of my soap box digressions.
Vaughn just said 'shit' for the 1st time the other day, we're so proud.... In the interest of phonetics - Adoniyas Finn has a really nice smooth flowing ring to it. C'mon Paul, you don't want the kid's name to be a tongue twister. (I did vote for Paul though). Cheers guys, and may you adapt to your new brightly colored plastic universe as well as the kid does ;)
Plastic Fantastic!
So let's explore some good Stevenson side family names! How about "Horley" or "Albert" or "Josiah". Or "Hadley?" "Lulu?" All good family names. Ok - maybe you should stick with Office Max.
Hey, when was the vote? No one asked me! I agree with Jill on the Finn thing, though. And the initials are cool, too, AFO.
keep the posts coming. i love checking for new adi pics. by the way, he must love the private concerts!
You can always go with Grant. It is a break from the first son tradition, but I don't think Jack will mind.
I don't think I knew you had a blog! It was fun to meet you in Ethiopia and I look forward to meeting again. Let's do it soon...503-473-6378.
What's wrong with Billy Bob?
I just have to say how much i love this pic with Pie all snuggled in with Adoniyas. so sweet.
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