Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Results Are In!

Well, I'm happy to report that all 5 readers of PDX Highlife reported with an emphatic YES!, that PDXHL does in fact enhance their overall well being and self worth. Thanks to my speech writers and advance team. Thanks to Jana, my rock, my faithful confidant and counterbalance. Thanks to all the tireless volunteers manning the phones out there. This is a grass roots effort and its really paying off. Our PDXHL readers are reporting a greater sense of purpose, an optimistic outlook, renewed faith that Consumerism will once again reign supreme, and a vigor normally only seen in adolescents. 

Lets make 2009 even better! Lets rock the blog world with ironic commentary on everything from the most mundane of life's details to things that are genuinely important, like babies. Yes babies. Our only hope for the future. As I prepare to allow child rearing to replace the still fascinating world of home remodeling and cycling (perhaps there is room for all)  it's baby A's legacy that begins with us, the children of the 1970's, that gives us hope. It is this village of 5 PDXHL readers that is our village in which our child will be raised. 

With the ironic return of the mustache, I can only conclude we are about to turn the corner to something new, something amazing.  As 2008 draws to a close, in the darkest hours of the Bush Presidency, I propose we all prepare to gather on January 20th, with either full beards, or ironic mustaches, and prepare ourselves for a re-awakening. Who's with me??


mama_nata said...

Been trying for years to grow ironic lamb chops but nothing seems to work... Here's to a hirsute 2009!

Unknown said...

Eva and I are in on the whole deal. Clint is sported a super beard during the whole trip to MEX. this guy is totally on board also: